
Geoff’s Narrations


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A look back at 2024 indicated some surprising progress has been made.

Any year in review immediately brings up the question – what did we want to see happen and what actually did happen.

For me, regarding chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) research, I wanted to see new findings that generated new hypotheses popping up. Most of all, I wanted to see broad themes emerge which validate past findings, provide an impetus for future research, and suggest we’re getting at core issues. Lastly, I would love to see large studies that give the findings staying power.


  • When we look back, 2024 might just be perceived as a year of fundamental progress. In study after study, two general themes popped up again and again. ME/CFS patients’ cells across their bodies are exhausted and exhibit a “failure to respond” when exposed to stress.
  • An early study, for instance, found – in what the authors stated constituted a “profound disruption” – that important signaling factors called extracellular vesicles became activated about 1/3rd as much as the healthy controls did after exercise. 
  • Next, a UK/Australian B-cell study demonstrated that when asked to proliferate – something that happens during an infection – the B-cells of the ME/CFS patients displayed their own kind of “profound disruption”; i.e. they produced fewer mitochondria and turned to a dirty and inefficient fuel – amino acids – to try to produce energy.
  • Talk about “profound” … Avindra Nath’s finding that B-cells were stuck in an immature stage bothered him so much that he concluded they were “the primary defect” (in ME/CFS). He believes they produce immune exhaustion and, via activation of innate immune responses, inflammation.
  • For his part, Anthony Komaroff spoke of an immune system that seemed to be spinning and spinning – causing it to eventually burn itself out.
  • Vishnu Shankar of Stanford agreed. His finding of high rates of reactive oxygen species (free radicals) linked to T-cell hyperproliferation suggested that a chronically activated immune system was using up so much energy that it had created an energy sink for the rest of the body.
  • Exhaustion was the linchpin of a metabolomic study that proposed that as their mitochondrial resources were exhausted, females, in particular, became more prone to coming down with ME/CFS.
  • Meanwhile, the Simmaron Research Foundation found that low oxygen (i.e. low energy levels) produced a melange of familiar problems (increased oxidative stress, impaired lipid synthesis, problems with tissue repair, and pathogen killing).
  • ME/CFS patients’ brains appeared to be in a similar fix as blood oxygen levels suggested that the brain’s voracious appetite for energy was causing it to strip as much oxygen from the blood as possible.
  • Another seconded that notion when it showed that instead of adapting to a task and using less energy like the healthy controls did – the ME/CFS patients’ brains actually used more energy to accomplish the same task; i.e. when given a task, their brains appeared to be in a hypermetabolic state that would lead to a crash.
  • Cellular exhaustion reared its head again when Younger found elevated lactate levels throughout the brain in a subset of ME/CFS patients, suggesting the brain had exhausted its resources, run out of oxygen, and was burning other fuels to keep it going.
  • Nath’s findings of reduced cerebrospinal levels of dopamine metabolites and a serotonin precursor (DHPG) hit at yet another potential metabolic issue – decreased catecholamine biosynthesis – once again suggesting that the brain was running low on vital resources.
  • With that, it appeared that both the brains and immune cells of ME/CFS patients had fallen prey to the same problem: both were running out of resources and had resorted to operating anaerobically and/or using inefficient fuels to fuel them.
  • An African Green Monkey virus suggested how this may be happening. It found that the energy demands of people with “long-African Monkey virus syndrome” soared in the early stages of the infection, creating a “hypermetabolic state” in their immune cells.
  • Patients whose immune cells couldn’t meet the metabolic demands were forced to turn to alternative anaerobic energy pathways (glycolysis/pyruvate metabolism) to generate energy – and were sicker. Indeed, 30 days after the pathogen had apparently been vanquished, an “energy maladjustment” had occurred, leaving them in a state of “metabolic insufficiency”.
  • The conclusion – an inability to produce enough energy during the infection overloaded the mitochondria – damaging them – and leaving their cells in a low-energy state.
  • An October conference presentation suggested that the hypermetabolic/hypometabolic pattern may be happening in the muscle cells as well. When muscle tissue was exposed to serum from ME/CFS and long-COVID patients, the muscle’s ability to contract or produce force (or generate energy) became “severely compromised”.
  • Highly elevated levels of mitochondrial and non-mitochondrial oxygen consumption suggest that the serum had put the muscle cells under huge energy stress. Ultimately, the mitochondria began to break up, fuse, and become dysfunctional, causing the muscle tissues to rely on – you guessed it – an alternative energy source – anaerobic energy production. The authors hypothesized that a “stress-induced hypermetabolic state” resulted in “severe deterioration” in muscle cell functioning.
  • Just last month, Hanson’s group published a paper that added a new and potentially significant factor to the cellular exhaustion discussion – epigenetics. Epigenetics refers to how our bodies regulate our gene expression over time. Because infections can be big drivers of epigenetic change, the idea that an epigenetic change triggered by an infection might be causing ME/CFS, long COVID, post-treatment Lyme Disease, etc., has always been an enticing possibility.
  • The study found that the T-cells in ME/CFS had become “epigenetically predisposed toward terminal exhaustion“(!). Given the cellular exhaustion found in B, NK, and muscle cells, one wonders if epigenetic reprogramming may be present in them as well. This study has major implications for ME/CFS and will be covered in an upcoming blog.
  • At the end of 2024, we’re at a very interesting place! Again and again, we saw studies circling around familiar issues: mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular exhaustion, blood vessel and clotting issues, high levels of oxidative stress, and lipid dysregulation in a variety of cells.
  • All these seem to cohere around the idea of a “failure to respond” to a stressor, and suggest that a hypermetabolic state triggered by an infection ultimately produces a hypometabolic state characterized by cellular exhaustion.
  • Despite our low funding, this was a good year for ME/CFS as the field seemed to tap into a deep and rich vein associated with reduced energy production.


A Failure to Respond

A failure of ME/CFS patients’ systems to respond in one way or another pervaded the findings of the past year. Not surprisingly, a failure to respond at the level of the immune system led the way.

The Immune System

failure to respond

The 2024 studies suggested that a “failure to respond” permeates ME/CFS patients’ cells.

We started 2024 – with who else but Dr. Maureen Hanson’s NIH-funded Cornell group – which has been knocking it out of the park for quite some time. Hanson’s exercise study suggested that when it comes to exercise, ME/CFS patients exhibited a failure to respond on a molecular level; i.e. exercise increased the levels of 3 x’s more proteins in the healthy controls than in the ME/CFS patients.

Increased levels of proteins associated with coagulation perhaps provided a possible reason why – blood clots triggered by the exercise session were keeping the message from getting through. The authors wrote:

“this suggests that the profound disruption of EV signaling post‐exercise may contribute to the inability of ME/CFS patients to recover from exertion.”

Hanson’s group was quickly back at it with an exercise study using a cell-by-cell technique. The new, more rigorous study raised eyebrows when it suggested that monocytes – an immune cell never before associated with ME/CFS – played the key role in the immune dysfunction found following exercise. A strange pattern of platelet dysregulation pre- and post-exercise suggested that exercise may be producing blood clots.

That same month, a UK/Australian B-cell study demonstrated a different version of the “failure to respond” theme. When asked to proliferate – which is needed during an infection – the B-cells of the ME/CFS patients produced fewer mitochondria and turned to a dirty and inefficient fuel – amino acids – to try to produce energy.

In his intramural study, Avindra Nath found evidence of both immune activation and immune exhaustion. Increased percentages of naïve B-cells and decreased levels of switched-on memory B-cells in the blood also suggested that B-cells were failing to respond as well.

Nath proposed that the increased presence of immature B-cells constitutes “the primary defect” (in ME/CFS) and results in “immune exhaustion and activation of innate immune responses”. In this scenario, the adaptive (later) immune response that the B-cells participate in punks out causing the early and more inflammatory innate immune response to try to compensate. Since the innate immune system wasn’t built to do this, it fails, allowing the pathogen to persist.

spinning top

The immune system seems to be spinning and spinning – eventually burning itself out.

For his part, Anthony Komaroff spoke of an immune system that seemed to be spinning and spinning – causing it to eventually burn itself out. Komaroff proposed that the immune system seemed to be “engaged in a long war against a foreign microbe, a war it couldn’t completely win and therefore had to continue fighting”.

This has implications for energy production. Activated immune systems take up so much energy that one of the reasons the brain invokes flu-like symptoms (aka “sickness behavior”) when we have a cold is to keep us in bed and not wanting to eat in order to save our energy for the immune response. (Digestion takes an enormous amount of energy) .

Next, enter Vishnu Shankar, a Stanford graduate student who, struck by the idea that ME/CFS is an energy depletion disease, took a new approach to the mitochondria and the immune system. Recognizing that damaged mitochondria produce oodles of free reactive oxygen species (ROS) (free radicals) which can then damage the mitochondria, Shankar assessed the ROS in immune cells.

Shankar found high rates of ROS and linked them to a chronically activated immune system. He proposed that an immune system that was spinning its wheels was producing high levels of reactive oxygen species (free radicals) that were damaging the mitochondria.

His results suggested that the free radicals had triggered a vicious circle in the immune system. High levels of reactivated oxygen species caused the T-cells in women to hyperproliferate – which, in turn, produced more oxidative stress – and more hyperproliferation, etc. Shankar proposed that this ongoing hyperproliferation was using up so much energy that it was creating an energy sink for the rest of the body.

Shankar’s conclusion that reactive oxygen species (free radicals) – possibly produced by damaged mitochondria – may play a major role in ME/CFS was echoed in a metabolomic study which found indications in lipid markers that low mitochondrial output was present and that oxidative stress was damaging cellular membranes.

Next, a metabolomic study suggested that the mitochondria in females are built in such a way as to make them more susceptible to coming down with ME/CFS when one’s mitochondrial resources become exhausted.

Meanwhile, in a small study with major implications, Simmaron researchers found evidence that low oxygen levels in the cells of ME/CFS patients produced a melange of familiar problems (increased oxidative stress, impaired lipid synthesis, problems with tissue repair, and pathogen killing). Plus,. high levels of BH2 could be narrowing blood vessels down, producing inflammation, clotting, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction

An Exhausted Brain

The immune system may not be the only energy sink present in ME/CFS. Speaking at the NIH ME/CFS Conference, Xiang Xu of Dr. Natelson’s Mt. Sinai, proposed the ME/CFS brain was another.

Xu found increased blood oxygen levels in the arteries but decreased blood oxygen levels in the venous blood flows flows leaving the brain. That suggested that ME/CFS patients’ brains’ voracious appetite for energy was causing it to strip as much oxygen from the blood as possible.

An Australian/Swiss and US study seconded that notion when it showed that instead of adapting to a task and using less energy like the healthy controls did – the ME/CFS patients’ brains actually used more energy to accomplish the same task; i.e. when given a task, their brains appeared to be in a hypermetabolic state that would lead to a crash.

The authors proposed that an inability to direct blood (i.e. oxygen or energy) flows to different parts of the brain was the cause, and pointed to problems with calcium mobilization. That was intriguing given that Wirth and Scheibenbogen believe that calcium mobilization is at the heart of the mitochondrial problems in ME/CFS.

Nath’s findings of reduced cerebrospinal levels of dopamine metabolites and a serotonin precursor (DHPG) hit at yet another potential metabolic issue – decreased catecholamine biosynthesis – again suggesting that the brain was running low on vital resources.

Speaking at an NIH conference, Jarred Younger outlined a possible reason ME/CFS patients’ brains were using up so much energy: activated microglia and neuroinflammation. Cellular exhaustion reared its head again when the elevated lactate levels Younger’s work found throughout the brain in a subset of ME/CFS patients suggested the brain had exhausted its resources, run out of oxygen, and was burning other fuels to keep it going.

With that, it appeared that both the brains and immune cells of ME/CFS patients had fallen prey to the same problem: both were running out of resources and had resorted to operating anaerobically and/or using inefficient fuels to fuel them.

Study Finds Fatigued ME/CFS Brains Unable to Adapt to Cognitive Stress

The Hyper-Hypometabolic Switch

A series of studies illuminated how cellular exhaustion may be being produced in the immune system and in muscle cells.

First, one of the year’s most intriguing and timely pathogenic studies was not on ME/CFS, the coronavirus, or a herpes virus but in a study on people suffering long-term consequences from the African Green Monkey virus. The study found that the energy demands of people with “long-African Monkey virus syndrome” soared in the early stages of the infection, creating a “hypermetabolic state” in their immune cells.

light bulbs

ME/CFS patients’ cells may be switching from really on to really off.

Patients whose immune cells couldn’t meet the metabolic demands were forced to turn to alternative anaerobic energy pathways (glycolysis/pyruvate metabolism) to generate energy. This indicates how crucial it is to produce ample supplies of energy during an infection.

Thirty days after the pathogen had apparently been vanquished, the long African Monkey virus syndrome patients were still in bad shape metabolically (and symptomatically). The energy production (glycolysis, TCA cycle, OXPHOS) of their immune cells had fallen so much that the researchers concluded that an “energy maladjustment” had occurred and they were in a state of “metabolic insufficiency” or hypometabolism.

The conclusion – an inability to produce enough energy during the infection overloaded the mitochondria – damaging them – leaving their cells in a low-energy state.

Energy Drain: Could an African Virus Tell Us Much about ME/CFS, Long COVID and other Postviral Illnesses?

“Severely Compromised Muscles”

An October Neuromuscular Disorders conference presentation suggested that the hypermetabolic/hypometabolic pattern may not be confined to the immune cells. When Spanish researchers exposed muscle tissue to serum from ME/CFS and long-COVID patients, the muscles’ ability to contract or produce force (or generate energy) became “severely compromised”.

Highly elevated levels of mitochondrial and non-mitochondrial oxygen consumption suggest that the serum had put the muscle cells under huge energy stress. Ultimately, the mitochondria began to break up, fuse, and become dysfunctional, causing the muscle tissues to rely on – you guessed it – an alternative energy source – anaerobic energy production.

Mirroring the immune cell findings, the authors hypothesized that a “stress-induced hypermetabolic state” resulted in “severe deterioration” in muscle cell functioning. In both tissues, cellular exhaustion was the theme.

When Bob Naviaux, the author of the Cell Danger Response hypothesis, was asked whether this hypermetabolic to hypometabolic switch fit his hypothesis, he said it did.

“While everyone experiences a transient hypermetabolic state with the beginning of CDR1 and fever during an acute infection. Most people experience this dozens of times in a lifetime. Ninety percent of the time this resolves without any consequences after a few days to weeks, and we recover completely.”


“Only about 10% of patients have lingering symptoms that last for more than 6 months. In the patients who develop ME/CFS, Long-COVID, and many other hypometabolic, multi-system, chronic fatigue syndromes, mitochondria and cells enter a chronic, but reversible physiologic state that protects the patient and cells from new injuries and chronic threat, but at the expense of a dramatic decrease in functional capacity.”

Then he spoke of yet another, more basic kind of energy sink – one focused on cellular defense.

“This occurs because the chronic response to danger (the 3 phases of the CDR) siphons energy and resources away from baseline health for purposes of cellular defense.”

Stress and exertion play a key role, Naviaux believes. Naviaux stated that “very small stresses” trigger setbacks due to an enhanced sensitivity to the eATP that cells release when they are under stress. He hopes that drugs like Suramin will be able to reverse the process.

Predisposed to Exhaustion…


Epigenetic modification from DNA methyl transferase I (blue). An epigenetic change put the T-cells on the road to exhaustion in ME/CFS.

This blog started with Hanson and ended with Hanson. Using the single-cell approach that produced such dividends in the monocyte study, just last month Hanson’s group published a paper that added a new and potentially significant factor to the cellular exhaustion discussion – epigenetics.

Epigenetics refers to how our bodies regulate our gene expression over time. By turning on and off genes, cells adapt – hopefully effectively but sometimes negatively –  to the changes in our bodies and the environment over time.

Because infections can be big drivers of epigenetic change, the idea that an epigenetic change triggered by an infection might be causing ME/CFS, long COVID, post-treatment Lyme Disease, etc., has always been a very enticing possibility. Thus far, the epigenetic studies in ME/CFS have not been particularly enlightening but this study was.

Rather amazingly, the study found that the T-cells in ME/CFS had become “epigenetically predisposed toward terminal exhaustion“(!). Given the cellular exhaustion found in B, NK, and muscle cells, one wonders if epigenetic reprogramming is present in them as well.

This study has major implications for ME/CFS and will be covered in an upcoming blog.



With the ample findings from 2024, the ME/CFS field – given enough funding – is primed to move forward.

At the end of 2024, we’re at a very interesting place! Again and again, we saw studies circling around familiar issues: mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular exhaustion, blood vessel and clotting issues, high levels of oxidative stress, and lipid dysregulation. These problems appear to be showing up in multiple areas – the immune cells, the muscles, and the brain.

All these seem to cohere around the idea that a “failure to respond” to a stressor is present at many levels. They suggest that a hypermetabolic state triggered by an infection may become chronic, ultimately producing a hypometabolic state characterized by cellular exhaustion in multiple tissues. Problems with blood flows, low oxygen states, and oxidative stress are implicated.

Most intriguingly, Hanson’s latest study suggests that ME/CFS patients’ T-cells may have been epigenetically reprogrammed by an infection to become exhausted.

The fly in the ointment is the presence of quite a few small studies, but with so many study results seeming to cohere, the ME/CFS field appears to have hit a rich vein to mine. Rather remarkably, it outstrips the long-COVID field in its understanding of the role metabolomics, cellular energy production and exhaustion, and oxidative stress play in these diseases.

While ME/CFS lost one NIH-funded ME/CFS research center, Hanson’s and Lipkin’s remain, and the NIH is going to produce a grant package for ME/CFS that should produce some of the large, rigorously produced research studies we need. One extensive large study (n=288) examining neurovascular coupling in ME/CFS underway should help us understand what’s going on in the brain.

One hopes that if the RECOVER Initiative, with its immense funding, ever seriously digs into long-COVID pathophysiology, it’s taking note.

flying piggy

The year-end review suggested that our researchers may be slowly but surely hitting the mark.

Health Rising’s BIG (little) End of the Year (Beginning of the Year) Donation Drive 

Thanks to everyone who’s supported HR to the tune of about $52,000 as we round into the last week of the drive.

Year-end summaries take a lot of work, but this one was worth it as even I was surprised – and impressed – at how far this little field progressed this year.

Seeing findings from different studies pointing to the same general problem suggests that the ME/CFS field is zeroing into some core areas. Determining if that’s happening is one reason we do these major overviews. If that kind of work supports you – please support us!


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