Digging Wide and Deep
With our blogs, and the GIST, and now with Geoff’s narrations, we take complex topics and try to make them as understandable as possible.
We dig wide and deep as we tackle complex subjects and try to make them as understandable as possible. Look at the wide range of blogs just from the last month or so. From brain donation to ME/CFS/FM/long-COVID mimics to research breakthroughs to treatment possibilities, Health Rising is seemingly everywhere.
The Immune Switch in the Brain blog, for instance, showed how a major immune breakthrough could particularly impact diseases like ME/CFS/FM and long COVID, while “A Failure to Respond” and the Intramural study and Effort Preference blog focused on particular ME/CFS breakthroughs.
On the treatment end, a new supplement possibility (LOLA) sat next to a blog on a way to exercise anaerobically. Our commitment to present every possibility present for people with ME/CFS led us to publish two recovery stories: one employing a unique anti-parasite and alternative medicine approach and another, more controversial one, employing EFT.
Some of the blogs over the last month or so include:
- Presented two new treatment possibilities – LOLA and anaerobic exercise program.
- Two recovery stories – showed how Melody was able to get off oxygen and 13 meds after COVID-19, and how, in her darkest moment, Flo was somehow able to recover after decades with ME/CFS.
The Immune Switch blog showed how a major immune finding in the brain may have particular relevance for ME/CFS, FM and long COVID.
Explored how a master immune switch in the brain could impact ME/CFS/FM and long COVID.
- Alerted the community to the fact that some people with ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and long COVID might actually have myasthenia gravis.
- In “A Failure to Respond“, we used past study results to show that, on many levels, the bodies of people with ME/CFS just aren’t seem to be responding to exercise (!)
- Our blog showing how people with ME/CFS and FM can donate their brains to science got such a response that it was included in the Brain donor newsletter.
- We cleared up the controversial and disturbing “effort preference finding” (it wasn’t psychological at all) in the Nath Intramural study and demonstrated how the study is helping to energize research at the NIH.
Coming Up
Health Rising’s Big Map Project will allow patients to tell their stories, communicate with each other, and find good doctors.
Big Map Project – These things always take longer (a lot longer (lol)) than expected, but with our Lives Interrupted program launched and running, we are about to launch the next part of our Big Map project – the patient section – which will allow you to put yourself on the map and communicate with others in your community. After that comes the Doctor review site. With that, HR will have the most comprehensive and useful chronic illness map on the web.
The “What’s Up? Doc” Zoom interview series will allow you to hear from the top experts in the ME/CFS, FM, long COVID and allied fields.
The “What’s Up Doc” Zoom Interview Series – features Zoom interviews with ME/CFS, FM, long COVID and related experts about what’s exciting them right now. We’ve already wrapped up talks with Nancy Klimas MD, Eleanor Stein MD, Emily Taylor of Solve M.E., and Lauren Stiles of Dysautonomia International, and many others are coming. If you know of someone you think Health Rising should interview, please let us know.
Supporting Health Rising
If you’re able to, please push some money our way.
Health Rising, with its thousands of blogs, has a big footprint on the web. Our combination of deeply researched, scientifically supported blogs has led us to be readily picked up by Google and other search engines.
With just one full-time (me) and one part-time (Stavya) employee, and two volunteers (an editor and narrator (Geoff)), our financial needs are puny compared to the difference we make in the world – but they are real. Health Rising is unfortunately not a hobby site I do on the side – it’s my sole source of income – and it’s your support that makes it possible.
The Quickie Summer Drive
Health Rising is wholly community supported. Thanks for helping to keep us in the web for over ten years,
This drive will last a couple of weeks and our goal is to raise $20,000.
We love all forms of support. Small, medium, or large – they all add up over time. If you’re up for a recurring donation, they’re one way to painlessly make a big difference with Health Rising. Sign up for a $5 or $10 (or more) recurring monthly donation – you’ll probably hardly notice it, but that little bit – multiplied many times over – has become a vital source of revenue for Health Rising.
Or grace us with a one-time donation via PayPal (see below) or check, Amazon gift card or Bitcoin donation. Health Rising also gratefully accepts bequests.
Please note that Health Rising is not a 501 (c) 3 non-profit
Checks – Please send checks, made out to Health Rising, to Cort Johnson, 404 Boulder Hwy, PO Box 91245, Henderson, NV 89015.
Amazon gift cards! – Amazon is Health Rising’s go-to place to get electronic accessories, books, stuff for the vehicle, etc. Simply go here, find your gift card, and put my email address (cortrising@gmail.com) in the “To:” box, and voila – instant Amazon gift card!
Bitcoin! – Bitcoin has been very good to us. A Bitcoin donation from around ten years ago is now worth a hundred times what it was. Our Bitcoin address is 18D9JkiGxPcpx8RYNcG5p2Be1joU9J6v5D and our account is at Coinbase.
Thanks for your support!
Thanks for all you do to keep us up to date and keep hope alive Cort! This is the best place to come for updates on a wide variety of ME topics and your hard work makes such a difference in this community. Health Rising definitely punches above it’s weight!
Punching above its weight – I love it! Thanks 🙂
Thank you so much Cort, Stavya and Geoff – you help us all more than you can know!
CALLING ALL CORT FANS: LET’S SHOW HIM THE LOVE— AND MONEY! If you haven’t donated to Cort before — or even if you have— please consider/be reminded, he’s a one-man band and SUPERHERO to this community and earns our support every day. Not only does he provide inexhaustible eduction and guidance to those of us who are patients in this difficult terrain, he is helping to educate the doctors and researchers that serve us! Please consider supporting Cort with as generous a financial donation as you are able, so he can pay his bills and stay well fueled to keep doing what he does so well! We are so lucky to have him in our team!!!
I have started 500 mg l ornithine l aspartate twice daily. So 1 gram daily.
Will keep you updated.
I am severe 100% bedboumd like whitney.
Hi Anish, I’m sorry to hear that. I’m 95% bedbound so understand some of what you’re going through. Really interested to hear how you get on with the supplements!
Thanks so much Tracy! 🙂
Hi Cort, thanks so much for all you do!
Hi Cort, in the email, you wrote “We’ve eschewed advertising”. Why? Why not USE advertising to help fund your blog and at the same time attract advertisements that might interest us as a target group? Imagine reading about helpfull supplements and at the same time seeing advertisements selling those. That way everybody wins: The writer, the reader and the advertiser. I see readers post links to available supplements in the comments anyway – and I appreciate it when they do.
Thanks! I should have said we’ve eschewed advertising so far. It is a possibility it could be quite helpful. Thanks for pointing that out. 🙂
I find advertising very distracting from content. In particular when it is in colour, or blinks or moves, or makes it necessary to spend energy I don’t have on clicking it away. Recently there was a moving red “breaking news” banner that made it plain impossible for me to read an article. Only with this comment I realise how calming the banner-free environment of HealthRising is. Simple product affiliate links like product links in the comments I think I would not have this problem with. I also appreciate when someone specifies the dosage & product they’re using in the comments, I suppose it can save time in particular for people in the US, though other than advertisement this also implies they’ve tried and tested the brand. The legal aspects etc. if any of advertising in a health environment you probably know more about than I do :-).
I agree about advertisements being distracting, annoying and unhelpful, most of the time. Cort is very talented so I’m sure if he needs it he could get the right kind of advertising, in the right format that might actually be helpful. I am lucky to be able to laser focus on content and can ignore/screen out 99.9% of ads completely (meaning I have no idea what they were for) but it still makes it harder to follow the content, especially if it’s blinking/ flashing, pop-ups, in the middle of text, looks like part of the text, etc. If we could just get every reader to chip in at least $5/ month I’m sure that would go a long way. Considering newspapers, podcasts, Substack are all $15-$50/ month. $5 should be doable for most people for info that is contributing to their recovery! 🙂
Thanks for the thought, I looked it up – if 1/5 of the people who subscribed to Health Rising did a $5 recurring donation – wow….we would be doing REALLY, REALLY, well!
I agree wholeheartedly about advertisements being unhelpful to me most of the time. I understand and appreciate that Cort should operate his business as he sees fit. If Cort actually used the product and endorsed it, it could be helpful. Or if the sponsor ‘s product passed a threshold criteria for safety and efficacy. Meanwhile, I will pledge minimum $5/ month and intend to add a yearly gift as well. Thanks for all your hard work.
Can confirm that it is possible to buy an Amazon e-gift card via the above amazon.com link with a German Amazon login (e.g. using a credit card).