Study suggests that students with a less flexible immune response were more likely to come down with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) after getting infectious mononucleosis.
The symptoms experienced by long COVID patients merge over time with those experienced by the really long, long haulers - people with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
A 7-year study found approximately a 1% rate of childhood chronic fatigue syndrome in Chicago with higher rates in girls, in children from ethnic/racial minorities, and in adolescents. Only 5% of the children had been diagnosed. The results suggests that 555,000 children in the U.S, could have ME/CFS, 525,000 who have not been diagnosed - a situation Leondard Jason called a "national disgrace".
Leonard Jason, ME/CFS’s foremost epidemiologist and researcher/advocate requests that you tell him what the heck happens when you engage in physical and cognitive exertion. The survey grew out of extensive discussions with the patient community during the public...
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