The Washington Post is running an excellent story, “Patients push limits for clues to chronic fatigue syndrome”, on ME/CFS and the NIH’s ME/CFS intramural study. The featured story – of Zach Ault, a father, who while training for a...
A FOIA and Jennie Spotila’s analyses indicate the NIH funding for ME/CFS is heading in the wrong direction. Into the Dark Side Researchers abandoning the NIH? Significant drops in funding? Who could have imagined it would have gone this way four years ago when...
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), with its pitiful funding, has been a thorn in the ME/CFS community’s side for decades. For decades advocates have thrown everything they could – heartbreaking stories, demonstrations, insults – at the NIH in...
It’s great the NIH is doing telebriefings a couple of times a year to inform the chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) community of their progress. The calls can be more or less interesting. This one was definitely on the more interesting side. NIH Intramural Study...
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