More Musing on Malaise

More Musing on Malaise

If ‘malaise’ doesn’t adequately describe my dreadful condition after too much exertion, it does fit another consequence of ME/CFS. After so many years of trying to pace myself successfully (whatever that means, since my over-taxed level seems to change from...
Weighing in on ‘Malaise’

Weighing in on ‘Malaise’

So The Institute of Medicine has complicated and expanded the terminology wars with its recent report suggesting Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease as a more accurate name.  I don’t like it much more than I don’t like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but I recognize the...
The Hillenbrand Dilemma

The Hillenbrand Dilemma

I am surprised by my ambivalent response to the current media attention paid to Laura Hillenbrand. I found her book “Unbroken” riveting; I don’t read much non-fiction, but I loved the way Hillenbrand adopted fiction-like techniques to tell this story. She incorporated...

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