A significant number of people with chronic fatigue syndrome, POTS, fibromyalgia or other similar disease may have an autoimmune disease which is attaching their autonomic nervous system (an autoimmune dsyautonomia) which may be treatable by IVIG or other therapies
My guess is that virtually everyone with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and/or fibromyalgia (FM) has a stake in learning about dysautonomia, getting treated for dysautonomia and/or furthering research into dysautonomia. It’s the way dysautonomia spreads its...
It’s not every day that a noted researcher calls a study “the capstone” of his career or asserts that it’s more important than the rest of his 500 studies put together. That’s pretty amazing but the exciting part for those of us with...
If you think ME/CFS and FM are behind the eight ball at the NIH, then check out postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), a common comorbidity. The NIH doesn’t even measure POTS funding but then how could it? POTS doesn’t even have a designated...
Carmen Scheibenbogen is unusual. Not only has she become one of the most prolific ME/CFS researchers of the past few years but she’s doing her research from a country – Germany – which hardly acknowledges the disease’s existence. Plus,...
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