With regards to research funding, infrastructure development, creativity and sheer energy - there's no doubt that the smaller ME/CFS community is far ahead of the much larger fibromyalgia community. The question is why and what can be done to unleash the FM community's vast resources.
International Awareness day is a day for many things – to push for more awareness, to celebrate the advances we are making, and to remember and honor those fighting to bring an end to ME/CFS. Remembering Tom For me it’s inevitably a day to remember Tom...
Nanoneedle study shows that chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a biological disease. Ron Davis talks about the biomarker found, it's role in diagnosis and treatment and what's next
Could the microvascular system – the small capillaries and the red blood cells that run through them – hold the key to energy problems in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and perhaps fibromyalgia? The idea that the blood delivery system – not some...
In May the Open Medicine Foundation announced they’d committed a major chunk of change – $1.8 million – to fund an ME/CFS Collaborative Research Center at Harvard Medical School affiliated hospitals. With the addition of the Harvard Center, chronic...
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