
BIG (little) Donation Drive

It’s that time again. Health Rising’s BIG (little) end-of-the-year fundraising drive. We call it the BIG (little) fundraising drive because it’s our BIG drive of the year, but our needs – though real – are modest compared to the research and advocacy organizations that are doing their important work.

Health Rising’s commitment – finding answers for ME/CFS, FM, long COVID and similar diseases.

There’s a reason that “Finding Answers” is in our logo. That’s what excites me and drives me as a long-term person with ME/CFS/FM. That’s what Health Rising is all about.

We function like a tandem team to the research and medical worlds. They legitimize and learn about these illnesses, and we spread their findings as far and wide as we can – thus helping to legitimize these diseases in the public arena and supporting those who have them.

The Future

ME/CFS and FM will continue to be primary focuses. Long-COVID research is blowing up right now (more on that later) and keeping up with that (expect some quick synopsis blogs) and its links to ME/CFS and FM will continue to be a top priority as well.

It’s always interesting to look at the most viewed blogs published over the past year. A pattern is evident – a search for treatments.

Of course, effective treatments are the bottom line for all of us. Long COVID is opening up new treatment possibilities right and left and many appear to be getting translated into clinical trials. Translating those studies’ results to possibilities for people with ME/CFS and FM will be a major focus for the next year.

We’ve been promising our Lives Interrupted and Big Map projects for quite a while – this time we can finally promise that they’ll be launched shortly. They will bring an entirely new aspect to Health Rising.

Bang For Your Buck

We think we provide pretty good bang for your buck. Health Rising consists of me (Cort) and Stavya (part-time technical ace), plus our volunteer editor and our occasional volunteer bloggers. We use your support to keep reporting, to keep roofs over Stavya’s and my heads, and to support Health Rising’s growth.

Our goal is to raise $70,000 over the course of this drive.

Eight Ways to Support Health Rising

Recurring Donations

health rising donations

Please push a little money our way.

(1) Become a Recurring PayPal Donor – Health Rising’s 322 recurring donors provide our financial bedrock. They allow me to sleep better at night. 🙂

The great thing about recurring donations is that even if they’re small, they really add up. You might not notice the $5, $10, or more dollars going Health Rising’s way monthly, but we do. It all adds up.

To become a recurring donor, simply go to the PayPal widget below or to the right sidebar of any page, click the amount you would like to donate ($5, $10, $15, etc.), and hit the Subscribe button.

Or, if you’re doing a one-time donation, PayPal will give you the option of making it a recurring one.

(2) Already a Recurring PayPal Donor? Want to give more? – (Want to give more than the current options allow? Just let me know! :)) Simply contact me using the Contact form (upper right-hand of the page) stating that. I will stop your current donation and you can restart it.

(3) Become a Recurring Donor with Online Banking (non-PayPal) – Not happy with PayPal? Use Bill Pay, Zelle, or similar programs at your bank to send checks or electronic transfers straight to us. If you’re with Wells Fargo, we can set up automatic monthly donations. Please contact me via the contact form (upper right-hand of the page).

One-Time Donations

(4) Make a One-Time PayPal Donation – One-time donations are Health Rising’s biggest source of income.

Use our handy donation widget to make a one-time or recurring donation. (To give a recurring donation, click on the amount and then click “subscribe”.)




(5) One-Time Checks! –  We love checks! Please make out checks to Health Rising and send them to the below address.

Cort Johnson
404 Boulder Hwy
PO Box 91245
Henderson, NV 89015.

Outside the Box

(6) Amazon gift cards! – Amazon is Health Rising’s go-to place to get electronic accessories, books, stuff for the vehicle, etc.  Simply go here, find your gift card and put my email address (cortrising@gmail.com) in the “To:” box, and voila – instant Amazon gift card!

(7) Amazon Affiliate Sales – Amazon’s affiliate payments are surprisingly generous! If you’re in the U.S., simply search in the Amazon box on the lower right-hand side of any page on this website. Anything that you put in your cart and buy from that search will qualify for an Amazon affiliate payment to Health Rising. (Things that are already in your cart will not). You don’t pay any fees or anything like that. It’s a win-win situation. 🙂

Have some more ideas? Please let us know.

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