In Dr. Bell’s third and last blog on orthostatic intolerance in ME/CFS/FM he provides signs that you might have OI, explains the different types found, and provides examples of them. If you’re wondering if you can have more than one type of OI, Dr. Bell...
Maggie was exhausted, her heart was pounding, her palms were sweating. She’d been to doctor after doctor only to be told she had panic disorder but their treatments weren’t working. Maggie was definitely agitated but her agitation and other symptoms...
Few healthy people give any thought at all to standing up, but for a subset of people with chronic fatigue syndrome standing up is an act that’s fraught with peril. Whether their hearts start racing (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and/or their...
Dr. Nancy Klimas, Chief Medical Officer of the Chronic Fatigue Center for Research and Treatment for Neuro-Immune Disorders, Miami, Florida, and her associate Dr. Irma Rey It was a pleasure to meet with people who believe in the disease, know its details, and...
“There is a huge overlap between these different syndromes” Dr. Peter Rowe If you watch this video you might want to skip over Dr. Henderson’s remarks if you’re a little sensitive, as I am, about ME/CFS’s place in the research world....
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