Ron Davis gets a win but will he ever be given the chance to bring his core disrupting technologies to ME/CFS? An ME/CFS Moment: something unexpected happens that indicates the tide is rising for the ME/CFS field. This could include something like a big grant...
Ron Davis’s Stanford ME/CFS Collaborative Research Center is itching to get back to full-time lab work. It’s not that Davis and his group haven’t been working. Janet Dafoe described constant Zoom calls with ME/CFS researchers, a bevy of grant...
Update In June, longtime Stanford professor and Director of the Stanford Chronic Fatigue Initiative, Dr. Jose Montoya was terminated from Stanford University for “multiple violations of University policy” which, according to women from his ME/CFS clinic...
Ron Davis got invited to spend two days at the Univ. of Texas biology and bioengineering departments where he used his talk on biotechnology to spread the word on ME/CFS. The Texans got it about MECFS and Davis came back thrilled at the response. Find out more in a...
The “Most Famous Scientist in the World” Visits Stanford – Lauds Davis’ End ME/CFS Project The “most famous scientist in the world” visited Ron Davis and his End ME/CFS group a couple of weeks ago and gave the project a thumbs up....
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