Using a tool called Raman spectroscopy UK researchers state they have gotten closer to producing a long-sought diagnostic biomarker for chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
A New Approach To Chronic Fatigue Syndrome If we ask Nature a question and ask it well, Nature answers. Most of the time the answer refutes our hypothesis. This time, Nature didn’t refute the hypothesis. Robert Phair Ron Davis mentioned one of chronic fatigue...
Part 1 introduced how Cortene became involved in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and introduced its hypothesis that a maladaptation within the limbic system, which shapes our response to stress, may underlie ME/CFS. The Cortene Way: New Drug to Be Trialed in...
It’s clear that glial cells – immune cells found in the brain and the spinal cord – play an important role in producing chronic pain and neuro-inflammation. Glial cell activation in the brain is often measured using the levels of a benzodiazepine...
(Dr. Mady Hornig recently reported that preliminary results from the Chronic Fatigue Initiative’s microbiome study suggested a subset of people had low gut serotonin levels. She noted that serotonin is an important immune modulator, and proposed that...
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