Major Long-COVID Muscle Study Affirms ME/CFS Findings … and Sparks Dissent
A long COVID exercise study finds dramatic muscle abnormalities and sparks some dissent.
High Default Mode Network Activity in ME/CFS Associated with Decreased Alertness, Difficulty Carrying out Tasks and More
Alertness, the ability to carry out tasks, sleep and others in chronic fatigue syndrome are impacted by activation of the default mode network in the brain.
“What’s Up, Doc?” Dr. Natelson on Hyperventilation, Blood Volume and Brain Issues in ME/CFS and Long COVID
Dr. Natelson talks on breathing problems, low blood volume and brain imaging studies he's doing in ME/CFS and long COVID.
Simmaron’s Rapamycin ME/CFS Trial Moves Forward: The Goal – FDA Approval
A successful rapamycin clinical trial in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) leads to more studies and perhaps FDA approval
Rachel Riggs’ “In Good Health: Uncomplicated, Allergen-Aware Recipes for a Nourished Life” for People with Complex Chronic Illnesses is now Available for Pre-order
"In Good Health: Uncomplicated, Allergen-Aware Recipes for a Nourished Life" provides 75 recipes for those with dietary restrictions or anyone looking to fuel their body with nutrient-dense food.
An Explosion of ME/CFS in the US + The Real Difference RECOVER May Make In Long COVID
Long COVID increases the prevalence of ME/CFS in the US fifteenfold plus a deep dive into RECOVER's testing program suggests it might help a lot.
A “Scarred Landscape” … Epigenetic T-Cell Study Moves the ME/CFS Field Forward
Evidence indicating that the T-cells in ME/CFS are exhausted could lead to new treatment options.
“What’s Up, Doc?” Nancy Klimas on Viruses, ME/CFS’s Greatest Need, and Her ME/CFS Clinical Trial
Dr. Nancy Klimas says what's exciting her most right now in the ME/CFS field is a renewed focus on herpesvirus reactivation and what artificial intelligence will bring.
A 2024 ME/CFS Year in Review Points to Progress – and a Profound Disruption in Energy Production
A year in review for chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS findings evidence of cellular exhaustion in many levels caused by mitochondrial dysfunction.