
Got an health issue you’d like ten of the most experienced ME/CFS/FM doctors on the planet to take a jab at? Here’s your chance.


Dr. Charles Lapp


Dr. Lucinda Bateman


Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum

Once a month we will ask the community for  questions (make them tough ones!) regarding a personal health issue they would like answered.

I or the community will pick the Question of the Month and then we’ll give it to our ten person ME/CFS/FM expert physician panel to chew on.


Dr. Martin Lerner

Dr. Sara Myhill

Dr. Sara Myhill

Dr. Alan Weiss

Dr. Alan Weiss

Each practitioner will be working alone, and will be given the opportunity to ask further questions of the patient. They’ll be given about two weeks to respond. The answers will be posted on a blog (sans the questioners name and email address) once a month.


Dr. Garabedian

Dr. Andreas Kogelnik

Dr. Kent Holtorf

We’ll put the questions that don’t get answered on separate web page (sans email address, name and phone #).

Simply fill out the questionnaire below and it will be included in the pool of questions for that months session.

ME/CFS/FM Cases Answered

The Doctors


Nine ME/CFS Experts – One question once a month …It could be yours!

Find out more about the doctors by clicking on the links below. More doctors may join in from time to time. If you have a doctor who might want to participate please let me know.  (Practitioners with different skill sets (naturopaths, herbalists, etc.) would be  particularly welcome.)

Question Form

ME/CFS Experts Panel

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