How to Decide Which Treatments To Try for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia: The Ric Arseneau Talk

How to Decide Which Treatments To Try for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia: The Ric Arseneau Talk

Medication and Treatment Decisions – Navigating Online (mis)Information & Evaluating the Evidence What to do when robust evidence; i.e. evidence-based medicine – medicine that has been thoroughly assessed by scientific studies – just isn’t...

The Long COVID Clinical Trials: Big Drugs, Big Studies…and More

The bottom line is always treatments. Long COVID has brought a ton of interest to post-infectious illnesses. Researchers are asking whether they are actually autoimmune diseases, how big of a role coagulation or gut microbiome problems play, if viral reactivation is...
Looking Forward to 2022 Pt. II: Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS Clinical Trials Plus Six Potential Game-changers

Looking Forward to 2022 Pt. II: Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS Clinical Trials Plus Six Potential Game-changers

Clinical Trials Ending This Year or Late Last Year The coronavirus pandemic stopped everything for quite a while but the clinical trials which survived the pandemic probably started up again quite some time ago. All we have to go by, though, are the stated completion...
The Sheffield Talk on Fibromyalgia

The Sheffield Talk on Fibromyalgia

(My apologies for those who got two email blasts. I’m not sure how that happened.) In this hour plus Q&A with Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group I got to blab about hot topics in fibromyalgia research, hope for future treatments, how chronic fatigue...
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