Dr. Klimas's big Gulf War Consortium grant will result in 5 clinical trials over the next five years including Enbrel / Mifepristone, CoQ10, glutathione, intranasal insulin and Bacopa and will enable ther to expand her computational biology work with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
Not satisfied with how your treatments for fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is going? Look to the future at the drugs trials underway in both these diseases as well as other trials in other diseases that may help.
Roundtable The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) flew in about 40 people from over two dozen organizations for the one-day CDC Roundtable on Medical Education and ME/CFS. It was a busy 24 hours. Everyone flew in the night before to a hotel near the airport, spent the...
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